Sunday, December 29, 2013

Hope all had a good Holiday....

Hi Folks,

I know I've been terrible at keeping up with this blog. Shame on me. I hope everyone had a good Christmas. They got what they wanted from "Santa." I'd a good Christmas visited with family members and had a good dinner too. I forgot to take some pictures of the food!, lol. But took some pictures of squirrels in our yard. There were five of them eating out of my dad's bird feeder. Even some of the birds were brave enough to join the squirrels for a bit to eat! 

I've been doing some scrapbook layouts the last couple of weeks. Just haven't found the time to get the camera out and film them. Or even if I did share them on film I didn't post the pictures just yet. I almost forgot I had this blog... So, you might see some more updates from me in the next couple of days or even weeks. With some scrapbook layouts. I even did my very first "Project Life" layout. In the form of a heritage page. It was pretty cool and easy to do. But still enjoy the 12x12 layouts. I'll be mixing up between the 12x12 and Project Life style layouts for my heritage pages and other layouts. I even found some 4x6 photo refills a few weeks ago. My dad bought me a few years ago. They were still in the package unopened. So, will be using those for my layouts. Well hope you all enjoy your Sunday! Have a great New Years and stay safe!

Here are few pictures I took on Christmas Day! and a video of what I got for Christmas. I guess you can call it a Christmas Haul!

The Tree is up! 12/17/13

Christmas Morning! 12/25/13 Some have already open their gifts

Another Angle of the tree!

Some of the Squirrels decided to pay us a vist!
Here they are again!

  Here a video of me talking a little bit of my day. Also what I got under the tree.