Saturday, March 23, 2013

Hunting Season layout + two photos

Hi everyone I thought to show you my latest layout I did about a week or two ago. This layout is called Hunting Season. I wanted to do a layout with the photo of my grandfather deer and the photo of my grandfather with his nephew. The photo with his nephew was taken while they were hunting not sure. Anyway, my father told me a story of his dad with the deer. So, I had to do a scrapbook layout with the two pictures. I finally got to try my Ingnild Bolme Prima distressing tool I got from A Cherry On Top. I really like how it distressed my orange paper. 

I also decided to put two old 1910's or 1920's photos I colorize and I like how they turned out. These old photos were in a old snapshot book. It was my grandma's but I don't think it is any relation to us. She probably bought it from a yard sale. I often wonder why people sale their family photos. I wouldn't sale my family photos.  I will make sure when I die in my will. That all my photos that has people in them be giving to someone in the family that will take care of them.

Anyways it was in a old photo book the pages were getting brittle and I decided to buy some un-du remover. It where you can remove sticker, tape and Label from just about anything from scrapbook to photo album. Some of the photos were easy to get off some were not even with the un-du remover. But I scan them before removing them from the album. After I remove them and put them in photo box. I decided to fix all of them in photoshop. I still got few to finish but half of them are restored and saved. I decided to take at least two and colorized them. I enjoy it and it helps me keep up with my skills. Hope you enjoy looking at them and give me some comments on what you think. 

"Hunting Season"

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant layout Justie, I love the composition. And the colourisation of the photos is excellent. They really come to life with those bright colours. Love the purple suit. Hope you share more of these. Pxx
